mcf_db_create_set — Create dataset on database file (Fortran API)
subroutine mcf_db_create_set(handle,name,type,ndims,dims,status) integer*4 handle character*(*) name character*(*) type integer*4 ndims integer*8 dims(ndims) integer*4 status
creates a positional
dataset on a database file identified by the handle. To create
non-positional datasets, i.e relational tables or array tables,
refer to the related sections.
Handle of database file on which the set is to be created (input).
Name of dataset to be created on the database file (input). The string may not exceed the maximum dataset name length.
Data type of dataset to be related (input). Must be one of I, J, E, F, C, Z, K, U, $.
Number of dimensions of dataset (input).
Note | |
In the present version |
Array containing the logical size of each dimension
(input). If ndims
is 1,
must contain the dataset size. If
is 2, dims(1)
must contain the number of rows in the set and
the number of columns of the
Status code returned (output). Upon successful completion of the operation, the status value 0 is returned. A negative value is returned, if an error has been detected. A positive value is returned, if a warning has been issued.
Create a dataset containing a fortran array
real*8 a(3,100)
The set name is 'toto' and the set type is 'F'.
integer handle,ndims,status integer*8 dims(2) ... dims(1)=100 dims(2)=3 ndims=2 call mcf_db_create_set(handle,'toto','F',ndims,dims,status)
Create a dataset containing 23 relational tables, each of them 1024 bytes in size. The set name is 'titi' and the set type is '$'.
integer handle,ndims,dims(2),status integer*8 dims(2) ... dims(1)=23 dims(2)=1024 ndims=2 call mcf_db_create_set(handle,'titi','$',ndims,dims,status)