mcf_tb_load — Load relational table (Fortran API)
subroutine mcf_tb_get_table(handle,name,rt,status) integer*4 handle character*(*) name mcf_rtable rt integer*4 status subroutine mcf_tb_get_subtable(handle,name,idiv,rt,status) integer*4 handle character*(*) name mcf_off idiv mcf_rtable rt integer*4 status subroutine mcf_tb_get_descriptor(handle,name,rt,status) integer*4 handle character*(*) name mcf_rtable rt integer*4 status
loads a relational table
from a database file to the table buffer and returns the table
identifier rt
loads a subtable of a
relational table from a database file to the table buffer and
returns the table identifier rt
loads a dataset descriptor table
from a database file to the table buffer and returns the table
identifier rt
Handle of database file from which the dataset will be loaded (input).
Name of dataset from which the relational table will be loaded (input).
Sub-division index, i.e sub-table number to be loaded (input). Note that sub-tables are numbered starting with 1.
Relational table identifier of table loaded from database (output). On error, a negative number is returned.
Status code returned (output). Upon successful completion of the operation, the status value 0 is returned. A negative value is returned, if an error has been detected. A positive value is returned, if a warning has been issued.