dmminq — Inquire attributes of dataset
returns the status of a dataset in
the Dynamic Memory buffer. It also returns the Dynamic Memory buffer
offset address and the number of integer*4 words occupied by the
DMM dataset. If the dataset does not
exist, a warning flag is returned in status
which is set to 1.
subroutine dmminq(ident, iad, size, status) integer*4 ident MCPTR iad integer*4 size integer*4 status
DMM identifier of dataset to be inquired (input).
Offset (address) of dataset with respect to the DMM reference address (output), counted in 4 byte units. i.e integer*4 words.
Number of integer*4 words occupied by the dataset (output).
Status code returned (output). A value of 0 indicates
that the dataset exists. A negative value indicates an
error. A value of 1 indicates that the dataset does not
exists. iad
and nwords
are the set to 0.