1. Overview of Packages

This document describes how to install an environment for building and installing SMR Packages in a Linux based system with a Python virtual environment.

Most SMR packages are now built with cmake. Please install cmake 3.19*+, or at least *cmake *3.18.5, otherwise some packages, such as BLAS, will not be searched for.

All SMR packages must be installed under one directory $SMR_SRC (see Configuring and Building Packages). The following SMR packages area available and must be build in the order listed below:

  • smrconfig: Installs a Python module for making the Sphinx based documentation. Required only in case the Sphinx based documentation is going to be built. For build information, see the package top-level cmake build file.

  • smrpackagedoc: SMR package documentation. Requires Sphinx to be installed, see Documentation Generators. For build information, see the package top-level cmake build file.

  • CMakeModules: cmake files required by most packages for building with cmake.

  • memcom: The B2000++ data manager libraries, modules, and applications. For build information, see the package top-level cmake build file.

  • mcbrowser: The MemCom dataset browser. Installs the mcbrowser* application. For build information, see the package top-level cmake build file.

  • b2000pp: B2000++ libraries, applications, header files, test data, and test modules. For build information, see the package top-level cmake build file.

  • simples: Simples data processing modules and applications. For build information, see the package top-level cmake build file.

  • baspl++, pysmr, pymcbrowser, mci: The baspl++ post-processor. Built with autotools and Python2.

  • fscon Fluid-structure coupling application. Built with autotools and Python2.

  • fsi Fluid-structure coupling application. Built with autotools and Python2.

  • libfsi, libmi Fluid-structure coupling libraries. Built with autotools and Python2.