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baspl++ is a viewer and post-processing framework for finite element and finite volume analysis results. It is specifically designed for multi-physics applications involving B2000++ FE models and unstructured and structured multi-block CFD models. Models can be viewed during simulation runs, and simultaneous visualization of several models is supported.



Please refer to Distribution for information on available platforms, and computer system requirements.

Flow Field Visualization

Several, powerful methods for the visualization of results from Euler and Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) simulations are available.

Streamlines and Particle Traces

Surface streamlines are used to visualize the skin friction field in RANS simulations or any first-order tensor field that is defined on a surface, be it the skin, a cut through the volume, or an iso-surface. The placement of the seeding points and detection of the streamline endpoints is fully automatic and optimized to give visually pleasing results.

3D particle traces help to understand the flow field (steady and unsteady). A set of emitter grids can be positioned interactively or via the scripting interface.

streamlines Mesh and analysis by CFS Engineering

Cuts and Iso-Surfaces

Several cutting planes can be defined. The cut can be restricted to the skin or other subsets of the model. Like for the iso-surface extraction method, any field variable can be visualized on the extracted surfaces.

capsule Mesh and analysis by EPFL

Restricted Extraction

Any extraction can be restricted to a rectangular box and to a range of values of a field variable.

CFD XY Plot Tools

An extension to baspl++ to create typical CFD graphs, such as 'Profile' plots, 'Line' plots, and integrated aerodynamic coefficients plots. The CFD XY plot tools can handle structured multi-block finite volume grids and unstructured multi-block finite element grids. The CFD XY plot tools can be operated interactively or with scripts, and scripts can be generated automatically from sessions. CFDtools works seamlessly with all other baspl++ viewing functions.

line plot One-dimensional probe along straight line

Graphical and Scripting Interfaces

baspl++ is controlled with a full-featured graphical user interface (GUI) and with an easy-to-use and flexible Python scripting interface. Scripting accelerates repetitive tasks and allows for customization. Productivity is further enhanced by the tight integration between the GUI and the Python interface:

  • Objects that were created with the GUI can be assigned to Python variables.
  • For each control element in the GUI there is a Python counterpart. When placing the mouse pointer over a control element, a tooltip appears with the explanation of the control element's function and the Python syntax.
  • All commands that are entered via the Python command line become immediately visible in the GUI.
  • The commands to reproduce the current state can be recorded in a Python script. These automatically generated scripts are concise, do not contain any superfluous commands, and are therefore easy to read and to customize.

Structured Grids

The NSMB (Navier-Stokes Multi-Block) flow solver is fully supported. The coordinates can be displaced to the cell centers, useful for displaying graded colours and iso-lines. The boundary (skin, far field, etc.) can be extracted according to a range of boundary codes. And the so-called ijk-extraction permits the extraction of (topological) planes which is useful for manual inspection of block-structured grids.

Solid Mechanics (B2000++)

baspl++ performs all visualization and post-processing tasks for FE analyses with B2000++. Some of the B2000++-specific capabilities are:

  • Selective extraction (element sets, face sets, edge sets). Extraction by group or material ID.
  • Support for verification of FE models, such as the display of boundary conditions and material directions.
  • Display any scalar variable as contours or iso-lines on the extracted surface(s).
  • Display deformed meshes and vector fields.
  • Display of stress and gradient data computed at the integration points. For stress and strain tensors, the eigenvalues and -vectors can be displayed. Filtering according to layer number is supported.
  • Extensive possibilities for XY-plotting of history data, with the possibility to compare results from several analysis databases.
  • Easy-to-use wizard for free-vibration analysis and linearized pre-buckling analysis.
panel Postbuckling analysis of a composite panel with B2000++

Data Formats

baspl++ is compatible with B2000++ and with the NSMB flow solver. It imports Tecplot ® data files and NASTRAN Bulk Data Deck files, DLR TAU files, and Edge files.