B2000++ Solvers

Linear Static Solver

Linear static (stationary) or linearized problems are solved with the linear static solver. It is activated for a specific case with the case parameter analysis=linear. If several load cases with the same constaints are present, the subcase option (see case) can be applied during linear analysis, reducing computation time.

Static Nonlinear Solver (B2000++ Pro)

Nonlinear static (stationary) problems are solved with the nonlinear static solver. It is activated for a specific case with the case parameter analysis=nonlinear.

A nonlinear problem is solved with an incremental procedure following an increment control parameter denoted \(\lambda\).

Five increment constraint strategies can by used with this solver. The figure below illustrates these by a geometric representation for a single DOF problem (DOF parameter plotted horizontally and control parameter \(\lambda\) plotted vertically):


Geometric representation of constraint strategy for a single DOF problem.

The correction strategy is of the Newton-iteration type, optionally augmented with an acceleration method and a line search algorithm.

Optional Solver MDL Parameters

In addition to the MDL command analysis nonlinear, the following commands may be specified in the case block.

correction_type newton|accelerated_newton

Specifies the type of correction in a given Newton iteration. Default is newton.

The newton correction type only makes use of the residuum and the tangent matrix (updated or not) to compute the correction.

The accelerated_newton correction type is meaningful with a modified Newton method. It monitors whether the sequence of Newton iterations converges (whether the residuum decreases), and if not (divergence), invokes the line search algorithm to find a better solution. With line search, it is often possible to find a solution outside the convergence region. Thus, when using the MDL commands newton_method modified or newton_method delayed_modified, the accelerated Newton correction can converge for larger time steps than the normal Newton correction type.

See also the MDL command line_search.

correction_termination_test flux_normalised|regularised|dof_and_residue|normalised_dof_and_residue

Specifies the type of test which indicates whether the Newton iterations of the correction phase have sufficiently converged. The tests make use of some or all of the MDL commands tol_residuum, tol_solution, and tol_work. Default is flux_normalised.

The flux_normalised correction termination test computes the residuum normalised by the energy flux for each type of field (displacements, rotations, Lagrange multipliers, etc.) separately. The flux_normalised test has additional options, see Flux-normalised Correction Termination Test.

The regularised correction termination test regularizes the residuum, the solution changes, and the energy change, with the goal of making the test independent of the units. Thus, changing the units of an FE model (e.g. [kg,m,s]) to another (consistent) unit system (e.g. [t,mm,s]) should not require modification of the tolerances. The following tolerances are used: tol_residuum (default 1e-3), tol_solution (default 1e-3), and tol_work (default 1e-7).

The dof_and_residue correction termination test tests the L2-norm residuum against tol_residuum and the L2-norm of the solution changes w.r.t. the previous Newton iteration against tol_solution. The following tolerances are used: tol_residuum (default 1e-3) and tol_solution (default 1e-3).

The normalised_dof_and_residue correction termination test divides the L2-norm residuum by that of the first Newton iteration. The same is done for the L2-norm of the solution changes w.r.t. the previous Newton iteration. The following tolerances are used: tol_residuum (default 1e-3) and tol_solution (default 1e-3).

gradients VALUE

Controls the computation of the gradients (strains, stresses, heat transfer, etc.) for the current case. If VALUE (int) is set to 0 (default) no gradients are computed and saved, i.e. only dof solutions will be found on the database. If VALUE` is set to -1, the gradients for the last converged step of at stage or the linear solution step are computed and saved. If ``VALUE is set to a positive value, the gradients will be computed at each istep step of at stage as well as for the last step of a stage.

gradients_only YES|NO

Specifies whether only gradients (and reaction forces) should be computed, while the solution vector is defined solely by the the initial conditions, and the boundary conditions and the current load increment. Default is NO.

increment_control_type load|state|hyperplane|hyperelliptic|local_hyperelliptic

Specifies the increment constraint strategy to use. The increment constraint strategy serves two purposes: It defines the increment constraint for the predictor phase and the corrector phase, and it computes the predictor solution from the solution of the last converged step. This predictor solution is then used as initial solution to the correction phase.

The following strategies are available: load means load-controlled. To avoid singularities at limit points in post-buckling analysis, residue_function_type artificial_damping can be used.

A state-controlled strategy is used with state.

The other strategies are of the continuation type. For the hyperelliptic and local_hyperelliptic strategies, the parameters hyperelliptic_a and hyperelliptic_b define the size of the ellipse.

The default strategy is load.

For more details on the kinds of constraints, refer to Implemented increment constraint strategies.

init_step_number VALUE

The initial step cycle number (int). Default is 1.

line_search yes|no

Specifies whether line search should be used for the accelerated_newton method (see the MDL command correction_type). The line search method satisfies the strong Wolfe condition. When the cost of calculating the first variation is significantly lower than the cost of calculating the second variation, it is recommended to have line search enabled, as it improves the probability that the Newton iterations converge. Default is yes.

max_divergences VALUE

Defines the maximum number of consecutive divergences (int) during the correction phase of a load step. Default is 4. When VALUE is reached, the correction phase is terminated unsuccessfully, and the step increment is re-started with a reduced step size.

max_newton_iterations VALUE

Specifies the maximum number of Newton iterations (int) per increment. Default is 50.

max_steps VALUE

Maximum number of steps (increments) (int) per stage. Default is 99999.

newton_method conventional|modified|delayed_modified

Specifies what kind of Newton method should be used. Default is conventional.

The conventional method performs factorization for the predictor and for each Newton iteration, and thus is a full Newton method.

For the modified method, factorization of the tangent matrix is performed when the correction phase has terminated unsuccessfully. Hence, several increments may be performed without any factorization.

The delayed_modified method performs a factorization for the predictor and for the first Newton iteration.

Note that the artificial_damping option for the MDL command residue_function_type enforces factorization each time the step size changes. For the modified and delayed_modified Newton methods, is is recommended to use the correction_type accelerated_newton option.

newton_periodic_update VALUE

For the modified and delayed modified, non-accelerated Newton methods, `` VALUE`` (int) specifies the maximum number of consecutive iterations without re-factorization. When `` VALUE`` is reached, a re-factorization will be performed, and the counter is reset. Note that for high values of `` VALUE`` and depending on the newton_method setting, several increments may be performed until this number of Newton iterations is reached. Default is 100.

residue_function_type default|artificial_damping|scaled

Specifies the type of residuum (first variation or internal forces vector) and its derivative (second variation or tangent matrix).

The default type computes the first and second variation without any modifications.

In a load-controlled post-buckling analysis involving collapse, the artificial_damping type is necessary for the Newton iterations to converge. It adds viscous forces to the residuum vector (first variation). The velocities are computed from the difference of the solution to the last converged solution, divided by the step size. To the tangent matrix (second variation), the viscosity matrix divided by the step size is added. With artificial damping, singularity of the tangent stiffness matrix at limit points can be avoided and energy can be dissipated during mode jumps. See also artificial damping.

The scaled type scales the DOFs by their respective diagonal element in the tangent matrix. This may be beneficial in continuation analysis (e.g. increment_control_type local_hyperelliptic). Due to the scaling, it is recommended to use the default correction termination test.

step_size_init VALUE

Step size (float) at the beginning of the stage. Default is 0.1.

step_size_max VALUE

Maximum step size (float) during the stage. Default is 1.0. In continuation analysis, this is the size along the load path.

step_size_min VALUE

Minimum step size (float) during the stage. Default is 1e-12. In continuation analysis, this is the size along the load path.

step_size_lambda_max VALUE

Maximum lambda step size (float) during the stage in a continuation method analysis. Default is 1.0.

step_size_lambda_min VALUE

Minimum lambda step size (float) during the stage in a continuation method analysis. Default is 1e-12.

step_size_dof_max VALUE

Maximum degrees of freedoms step size (float) during the stage in a continuation method analysis. Default is 1.0.

step_size_dof_min VALUE

Minimum degrees of freedoms step size (float) during the stage in a continuation method analysis. Default is 1e-12.

tol_residuum VALUE

The error tolerance value (float) for the residuum (‘equilibrium’) error; used by the Newton correction termination test. The default depends on the correction_termination_test option.

tol_solution VALUE

The error tolerance value for the dof (‘solution’) error; used by the Newton correction termination test. The default value on the correction_termination_test option.

tol_work VALUE

The error tolerance value (float) for the work error; used by some Newton correction termination test. The default depends on the correction_termination_test option.

The static solver is most commonly used for stress analysis involving geometric, material, or boundary nonlinearity, and for heat transfer analysis involving nonlinear material or boundary behavior.


For load-controlled quasi-static stress analysis with artificial damping, an alternative exists in the dynamic nonlinear solver, which can also be used for quasi-static stress analysis when specifying the MDL case parameters

analysis               dynamic_nonlinear
residue_function_type  artificial_damping

Due to its predictor and its mechanism to control the time increment by means of an error estimator, the dynamic nonlinear solver may be - depending on the problem and depending on the solution parameters - more effective than the static nonlinear solver.

The static solver can also steer a weakly-coupled multi-disciplinary analysis, this is briefly explained for the case of steady-state aero-elasticity: The spatial coupling, CFD mesh deformation, and CFD solver are wrapped inside a specially-designed and implemented nonlinear natural boundary condition object. For each Newton iteration, the static solver evaluates the natural boundary condition for the solution field; in this case, the boundary condition returns the spatially mapped aerodynamic forces that were calculated from the deformed configuration.

Example: Load-Controlled Stress Analysis with Dissipation

In stress analysis, a problem may be considered highly nonlinear if geometric instabilities, material nonlinearity such as degradation, or contact conditions are present. A typical parameter specification for such situations is:

analysis                    nonlinear
residue_function_type       artificial_damping
dissipated_energy_fraction  1e-6
step_size_init              1e-2
step_size_max               1e-1

Load control is enabled by default. For highly nonlinear problems, the full Newton method (default) is often more expedient than the accelerated modified Newton method. The default maximum number of Newton iterations max_newton_iterations should be sufficient in many cases. Lower values may cause many small time increments or even failure to converge, while higher values may lead to increased computation time. In case of very slow but reliable convergence, higher values (100-200) may be necessary.

When using a load-controlled strategy, a mechanism to dissipate energy must be enabled when instabilities occur. This is achieved with the residue function type set to artificial_damping. The amount of damping is controlled with the dissipated_energy_fraction parameter. High values accelerate the analysis, increasing the increment sizes, but may influence the results on the other hand. Therefore, a compromise between analysis time and accuracy has to be found. While the parameter value is independent of the physical units, the necessary amount of damping depends on the problem. Thus, the default of 1e-4 may not be appropriate. It is recommended to vary this parameter in powers of 10 (e.g. make an analysis for 1e-7, 1e-6, 1e-5, 1e-4, 1e-3) and observe its effect.

When the problem is expected to be nonlinear from the start, an initial step size may be specified with the step_size_init option. The maximum step size should always be set, using the step_size_max option, for the reason that different load paths may be followed and collapse cannot be reliably predicted if the step size is too large (the solver may “jump over” collapse paths). The default of 1e-12 for the minimum step size is sufficient for most problems.

Another important option is max_divergences which may be used to trigger collapse by using smaller values (1 or 2) than the default. On the other hand, analyses involving material degradation may benefit from higher values (increasing the chances that the Newton iterations will converge).

Example: Post-Buckling Analysis

A typical static potentially highly nonlinear post-buckling analysis parameter setting is

analysis                    nonlinear
increment_control_type      hyperplane
step_size_init              1e-2
step_size_lambda_max        1e-1

The parameter increment_control_type hyperplane enables a specific method of continuation analysis, here the hyperplane method.

The maximum step size in thew loading-direction can be controlled by means of the step_size_lambda_max option. Its counterpart is the step_size_dof_max option which controls the maximum step size in the DOF direction. The step_size_max option controls the arc-length of the increments.

Example: Mildly Nonlinear Continuation Analysis

A typical static ‘mildly’ nonlinear post-buckling analysis parameter setting is

analysis                    nonlinear
increment_control_type      hyperplane
correction_type             accelerated_newton
newton_method               delayed_modified
step_size_init              1

The parameter increment_control_type hyperplane enables a specific method of continuation analysis, here the hyperplane method. If the problem is only mildly nonlinear (for instance, if no limit points are expected), there is no need to limit the step size.

In this example, the delayed-modified Newton method is used in conjunction with acceleration via line search.

The nonlinear analysis is attempted in a single increment, i.e. a step_size_init of 1.0, which might not always work. In such cases, the default of 0.1 is more expedient.

Example: Load-Controlled Contact Analysis

analysis                    nonlinear
max_newton_iterations       100
max_divergences             10
tol_residuum                1e-3
tol_solution                1e-3

Load control is enabled by default. Due to the highly nonlinear contact conditions, the full Newton method (default) is often more expedient than the accelerated modified Newton method. Because the Newton iterations may converge slowly when contact is active, a high number of Newton iterations is allowed.

The maximum number of divergences is increased, this improves the chances that the Newton iterations will converge.

If the contact conditions are enforced via quadratic penalties, the tangent stiffness matrix may be, depending on the penalty factor, badly conditioned. In this case, the tolerances for convergence may need to be increased using the tol_residuum and tol_solution options.

Example: Mildly Nonlinear Load-Controlled Analysis

A typical static ‘mildly’ nonlinear parameter setting is

analysis                    nonlinear
correction_type             accelerated_newton
newton_method               delayed_modified

Nonlinear heat-transfer analysis is often well-behaved and therefore may be carried out with the above settings.

Load-controlled analysis is enabled by default. Because the problem is considered mildly nonlinear, there is no need to limit the step size, and the delayed-modified Newton method (or the modified Newton method) can used in conjunction with acceleration via line search.

Depending on the amount of detail required, the maximum step size may be limited. Depending on the accuracy required, the tolerances for convergence may be modified.

Dynamic Linear Solver

Linear dynamic (non-stationary) problems are solved with the linear static solver. It is activated for a specific case with the parameter

analysis dynamic_linear

of the case block.

Implicit time integration is performed in the linear dynamic linear solver with the Newmark method and with a fixed time step size and with one single stage.


It is not recommended to solve dynamic problems with the dynamic linear solver due to the above restrictions.

By default te time (load) step is 1. However the analysis duration is usually not 1 (time unit), and an analysis stage must be defined in the case definition, scaled by the duration. Refer to the example below below for details.

In addition to the MDL command analysis nonlinear, the following commands may be specified in the case block.

gradients VALUE

Controls the computation of the gradients (strains, stresses, heat transfer, etc.) for the current case. If VALUE (int) is set to 0 (default) no gradients are computed and saved, i.e. only DOF solutions will be found on the database. If VALUE is set to -1, the gradients for the last converged step of at stage or the linear solution step are computed and saved. Finally, if VALUE is set to a positive value, the gradients will be computed at each istep step of at stage as well as for the last step of a stage.

rayleigh_alpha|rayleigh_beta VALUE

Specifies the coefficients (float) for Rayleigh damping (default is 0). If rayleigh_alpha and/or rayleigh_beta are set, Rayleigh damping will be performed where the global viscosity matrix C is a linear combination of the global mass and linear global stiffness matrices M and K:

\[C = \alpha M + \beta K\]

step_size VALUE

Defines the step size (float) for the stage. No default is given.


A structure is fixed by means of an ebc (essential boundary condition) while the dynamic load is applied by means of a nbc (natural boundary condition), here a pressure load. The Rayleigh damping coefficients have been calculated from a free-vibration analysis. The analysis time is 10 s, and a step load is applied during the first second.

case 1
  analysis dynamic_linear
  stage 2 sfactor (duration)

stage 2
  ebc 1
  nbc 1 sfunction 't<1?1:0'
  step_size      (0.001*duration)
  rayleigh_alpha +6.4e-02
  rayleigh_beta  +9.0e-06

  case 1

The analysis time of 10 s is realized by having two cases, a case (case 1) referencing a stage and a stage (stage 2) describing the pulse. The step load is realized with the expression ‘t<1?1:0’, which means that for t (the analysis time) between 0 and 1, the load is applied with the factor 1, and for all the other time values the load factor is 0.

Dynamic Nonlinear Solver (B2000++ Pro)

Nonlinear dynamic (or non-stationary) problems are solved with the dynamic nonlinear solver. It is activated for a specific case with the case parameter analysis dynamic_nonlinear.

The dynamic nonlinear solver adopts for the implicit time integration the backward differential formula (BDF) method which is well suited for stiff ordinary differential equations [Sham79] like the ones encountered in stress analysis. The second-order BDF is applied by default, giving unconditional nonlinear stability. For computational efficiency, the time step size is adapted during the analysis using the Nordsieck transformation method [Nord62]. For stability and accuracy of the time integration method, the rate of increment of the step size is limited [Calvo87] and the step size is controlled using Milne’s device error estimator [Milne70].

The solver is invoked by the MDL case parameter analysis dynamic_nonlinear.

In general, the analysis duration is not 1 (second), and an analysis stage must be defined in the case definition, scaled by the duration. Refer to the first of the examples below for details.


In stress analysis, the dynamic solver can be applied to problems involving inertia forces or viscous forces. Like the static nonlinear solver, the problem to be solved may involve any kind of geometric, material, or boundary nonlinearities. Typical uses are:

  • Relaxation and creep analysis, in conjunction with visco-elastic materials

  • Dynamic buckling analysis with or without artificial damping

  • Quasi-static buckling analysis with artificial damping

In heat-transfer analysis, typical applications are nonlinear loading (e.g. cyclic loading) and predicting the non-stationary behavior (i.e. the evolution of the temperature field). Like the static nonlinear solver, the problem to be solved may involve any kind of material or boundary nonlinearity.

Optional Solver MDL Parameters

In addition to the MDL command analysis nonlinear, the following commands may be specified in the case block.

correction_termination_test flux_normalised|dof_and_residue|normalised_dof_and_residue

Specifies the type of test which indicates whether the newton iterations have sufficiently converged. Default is flux_normalised.

The flux_normalised correction termination test computes the residuum normalised by the energy flux for each type of field (displacements, rotations, Lagrange multipliers, etc.) separately. The flux_normalised test has additional options, see Flux-normalised correction termination test.

The dof_and_residue correction termination test tests the L2-norm residuum against tol_residuum and the L2-norm of the solution changes w.r.t. the previous Newton iteration against tol_solution. The following tolerances are used: tol_residuum (default 1e-3) and tol_solution (default 1e-3).

The normalised_dof_and_residue correction termination test divides the L2-norm residuum by that of the first Newton iteration. The same is done for the L2-norm of the solution changes w.r.t. the previous Newton iteration. The following tolerances are used: tol_residuum (default 1e-3) and tol_solution (default 1e-3).

gradient VALUE

Controls the computation of the gradients (strains, stresses, heat transfer, etc.) for the current case. If `` VALUE`` (int) is set to 0 (default) no gradients are computed and saved, i.e. only DOF solutions will be found on the database. If `` VALUE`` is set to -1, the gradients for the last converged step of at stage or the linear solution step are computed and saved. If `` VALUE`` is set to a positive value, the gradients will be computed at each istep step of at stage as well as for the last step of a stage.

line_search YES|NO

Specifies whether line search should be used. Default is NO. This line search method satisfies the strong Wolfe condition. When the cost of calculating the first variation is significantly lower than the cost of calculating the second variation, it is recommended to activate line search, as it improves the probability that the Newton iterations converge.

max_divergences VALUE

Defines the maximum number of consecutive divergences (int) before the step is reduced during a load step (optional). Divergence occurs when the energy of the current correction is larger than the energy of the preceding correction. Default is 4.

max_newton_iterations VALUE

Maximum number of Newton iterations (int) per step. Default is 50.

max_steps VALUE

Maximum number of steps or increments (int) per stage. Default is 99999.

multistep_integration_order VALUE

Integration order (int) of the implicit transient integration scheme. Currently supported values are 1 (Euler backward difference formula), 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. The solver is unconditionally nonlinear-stable for values of 1 and 2. Default is 2.

newton_method modified|delayed_modified|conventional

Specifies what kind of Newton method should be used. Default is conventional.

newton_periodic_update VALUE

For the modified and delayed modified Newton methods, this option specifies the maximum number of consecutive iterations (int) without re-factorization. When this number is reached, a re-factorization will be performed, and the counter is reset. Note that for high values of newton_periodic_update and depending on the newton_method setting, several increments may be performed until this number of Newton iterations is reached. Default is 100.

residue_function_type order_n|rayleigh_damping|artificial_damping

Specifies the residue method (string). Default is order_n, for which the MDL command multistep_integration_order defines the order of the implicit time-integration.

The artificial_damping method works like in the static nonlinear solver; the damping is of the Rayleigh viscous type. Inertia effects are neglected, and the problem becomes a first-order ODE. The global viscosity matrix is generated in function either of the dissipated_energy_fraction option or the rayleigh_alpha and rayleigh_beta options. In the first case, the global viscosity matrix is a scaled instance of the mass matrix, such that at the first increment, the ratio of the dissipated energy to the total energy corresponds to the value given in dissipated_energy_fraction. In the second case, the global viscosity matrix is constructed in the same way as for rayleigh_damping (see below).

For the rayleigh_damping (second-order) method, the global viscosity matrix C is constructed from the global mass matrix M and the global linear stiffness matrix K in the following way:

\[C = \alpha M + \beta K\]

The coefficient \(\alpha\) can be specified with the MDL command rayleigh_alpha, and likewise, the coefficient \(\beta\) can be specified with the MDL command rayleigh_beta. Note that these coefficients can be determined in the same way as explained in Artificial damping section for the static nonlinear solver.

step_size_ini VALUE=v

Step size (float) at the beginning of the stage. Default is 0.1.

step_size_max VALUE

Maximum step size (float) during the stage. Default is 1.0.

step_size_min VALUE

Minimum step size (float) during the stage. Default is 1e-12.

tol_dynamic VALUE

The dynamic nonlinear solver controls the step size with a local error estimator, which is obtained with Milne’s method. VALUE` (float) defines the maximum permitted absolute error of a degree of freedom during one time step. Default is 1e-5. The step size is adapted accordingly to this criteria. Setting VALUE to a large value will inactivate the transient integration error control.

tol_residuum VALUE

Error tolerance value for the residuum (‘equilibrium’) error VALUE (float) used by the Newton correction termination test. The default depends on the correction_termination_test option.

tol_solution VALUE

The error tolerance value for the dof (‘displacement’) error VALUE (float) used by the Newton correction termination test. The default depends on the correction_termination_test option.

tol_work VALUE

The error tolerance value for the work error VALUE (float) used by the Newton correction termination test. The default depends on the correction_termination_test option.

Example: Dynamic buckling stress analysis with Rayleigh damping

In this example, a panel is compressed in the x-direction by 3mm within 0.5s. If the analysis duration is different from the value of 1 (in time units, usually seconds), a separate stage has to be defined, stage 2 in the present example.

ebc 1
    value  0. dof [UX UY UZ RX RY RZ] nodeset nodes_left
    value  0. dof [   UY UZ RX RY RZ] nodeset nodes_right
    value -1. dof [UX               ] nodeset nodes_right

case 1
  analysis                   dynamic_nonlinear
  stage                      2 sfactor (duration)

stage 2
  ebc                        1 sfactor (max_displacement/duration)
  step_size_init             (0.1*duration)
  tol_dynamic                1e-2
  residue_function_type      rayleigh_damping
  rayleigh_alpha             123.6
  rayleigh_beta              0.00008074

  case 1
  shell_intersection_angle 10

The duration of the analysis is given with the MDL command

stage 2 sfactor f

The amplitude of any specified boundary conditions in the stage must be inversely-scaled by the analysis duration, this is done with the sfactor option. On the other hand, the sizes for the minimum, maximum, and initial step are given in absolute values. Hence, step_size_init should always be defined.

The dynamic tolerance (tol_dynamic) option has a significant influence on both accuracy and numerical effort. A large dynamic tolerance leads to relatively large time step sizes, requiring many Newton iterations per increment. Using a dynamic tolerance that yields smaller time step sizes which require only one or two Newton iterations is not only more accurate but often more effective. In some cases, a modified Newton method may further reduce the computational effort. Conversely, when the dynamic tolerance is set to an overly conservative value, the resulting time step size may become extremely small in the presence of high-frequency vibrations and fast movements.

When geometric instabilities are present, Rayleigh damping should be selected (by setting the residue_function_type option to rayleigh_damping and by setting the values for rayleigh_alpha and rayleigh_beta) to ensure an effective solution process.

For highly nonlinear problems, the full Newton method (default) is often more expedient than the modified Newton method. For mildly nonlinear problems and for problems where the time step size is predominantly limited by the time integration error, a modified Newton method may be more effective. The default maximum number of Newton iterations (50) should be sufficient in many cases. Lower values may cause many small time increments or even failure to converge, while higher values may lead to increased computation time. In case of very slow but reliable convergence, higher values (100-200) may be necessary.

Example: Dynamic buckling stress analysis with visco-elastic materials

In this example, the options for Rayleigh damping are omitted since all dissipation should come from the visco-elastic material. The dynamic tolerance is crucial for the accuracy of the time integration: If the time step sizes are too large, the numerical damping which is caused by the time integration error may be larger than the material damping.

case 1
  analysis  dynamic_nonlinear
  stage 2 sfactor (duration)

stage 2
  ebc  1 sfactor (max_displacement/duration)
  step_size_init (0.1*duration)
  tol_dynamic 1e-4

Example: Quasi-static buckling stress analysis with artificial damping

The dynamic solver can also be applied to load-controlled quasi-static analysis. In this case, the analysis duration is irrelevant, and a separate stage does not need to be defined. Also in this case, the dynamic tolerance controls the time step size and is important to computational efficiency and accuracy.

case 1
  analysis dynamic_nonlinear
  ebc 1
  tol_dynamic 1e-3
  residue_function_type artificial_damping
  dissipated_energy_fraction 1e-3

Energy is dissipated with artificial damping; the residue_function_type artificial_damping option also tells the solver to neglect inertia forces. The amount of damping is controlled with the dissipated_energy_fraction parameter. High values accelerate the analysis, increasing the increment sizes, but may influence the results on the other hand. Therefore, a compromise between analysis time and accuracy has to be found. While the parameter value is independent of the physical units, the necessary amount of damping depends on the problem. Thus, the default of 1e-4 may not be appropriate. It is recommended to vary this parameter in powers of 10 (e.g. make an analysis for 1e-7, 1e-6, 1e-5, 1e-4, 1e-3) and observe its effect.

Example: Mildly nonlinear heat-transfer analysis

An initial temperature field is given (dof_init), and a constant temperature is applied at the boundary (ebc 1 sfunction '1'). If the problem is well behaved, it can be solved with a higher-order BDF that is more accurate but not unconditionally stable, and a modified Newton method can be used.

The analysis duration is one year (365 days), and the time step size is fixed to one day (84600 seconds). A very large dynamic tolerance is used to inactivate the solver’s error estimator.

case 1
  analysis dynamic_nonlinear
  stage  2 sfactor (duration)

stage 2
  dof_init 1
  ebc 1 sfunction '1'
  multistep_integration_order 4
  newton_method delayed_modified
  step_size_min (one_day)
  step_size_init (one_day)
  step_size_max (one_day)
  tol_dynamic 1e6

Undamped Free Vibration Solver

Free vibration problems are solved with the frequency-independent free vibration analysis solver.It is activated for a specific case with the case parameter analysis=free_vibration.


When executing B2000++, errors of the following kind

CRITICAL:all:16:22:8.124: Uncovered b2000 exception caught in the main function.
Exception: Error with the arpack subroutine aupd, info = -9.

may indicate that material densities are not specified or set to 0.

Warnings of the following kind

WARNING:solver.eigenvalue.arpack:12:36:35.234: Maximum number of iterations taken.
All possible eigenvalues (0) have been found.

may indicate that the number of eigemnodes nmodes to be computed option should be increased.

Optional Solver MDL Parameters

In addition to the MDL command analysis nonlinear, the following commands may be specified in the case block.

m_orthonormal yes|no

By default the mode shapes are normalized with respect to the mass (“M-orthonormalized”), see [Bathe96]. If mode shapes should be normalized to the maximum component of each mode (infinity norm), set m_orthonormal to no.

nmodes VALUE

Number of free-vibration modes VALUE (int) to be computed. Must be greater or equal to 2. It is often necessary to set this option to values of 10 or even 20 for the successful solution of the eigenvalue problem. Default is 2.

shift VALUE

The spectral frequency (not the circular frequency!) shift value VALUE (float). The computed free-vibration modes are the ones whose eigen-frequency is near this value. For complex problems, a complex spectral frequency shift value can be provided. Default is 0.


Indicates where to search for eigenvalues with respect to 0 or to the current shift value. sm searches for the smallest eigenvalues around 0 or the current shift value (default). la searches for the smallest eigenvalues to the left of 0 or the current shift value. ra searches for the smallest eigenvalues to the right of 0 or the current shift value.

matrices_dir VALUE

If set to a non-empty string, the free vibration solver will output the system matrices as CSV formatted files in the directory provided by the string VALUE. The directory is created if it does not exist yet and populated by the respective system matrices. The provided path may be absolute or relative, relative directories are created in the working directory of the solver. By default an empty string is used, which deactivates the output. To activate the output but write the files directly into the working directory, provide a string like "./" for this option.

Frequency-Dependent Undamped Free-Vibration Solver (B2000++ Pro)

Linear static (stationary) or linearized problems are solved with the linear static solver. It is activated for a specific case with the case parameter analysis=linear.

The frequency-dependent undamped vibration solver allows for solving frequency-dependent free vibration eigenvalue problems to determine eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes, where the linear internal forces and internal inertia are frequency-dependent. It is invoked by the MDL command analysis=frequency_dependent_free_vibration; this command must be specified in the case block.


When executing B2000++, errors of the following kind

CRITICAL:all:16:22:8.124: Uncovered b2000 exception caught in the main function.
Exception: Error with the arpack subroutine aupd, info = -9.

are often indicative of missing density specifications in the material definitions.

When executing B2000++, warnings of the following kind

WARNING:solver.eigenvalue.arpack:12:36:35.234: Maximum number of iterations taken.
All possible eigenvalues (0) have been found.

are indicative that the value for the nmodes option should be increased.

Optional Solver MDL Parameters

In addition to the MDL command analysis frequency_dependent_free_vibration, the following commands may be specified in the case block.

nmodes VALUE

Number of free-vibration modes VALUE (int) to be computed (default: 1). It is often necessary to set this option to values of 10 or even 20 for the successful solution of the eigenvalue problem.

shift VALUE

The spectral frequency shift value VALUE (float). The computed free-vibration modes are the ones whose eigenfrequencies are near this value (default=0). For complex problems, a complex spectral frequency shift value can be provided.

freq_init VALUE

The initial frequency VALUE (float) used in the first stage of the algorithm.


The relative tolerance VALUE (float) of the computation of the exact eigenfrequency.

tol_predictor VALUE

The relative tolerance VALUE (float) for the re-computation of the approximated eigenfrequencies.

Linearized Pre-Buckling Solver

Linear static (stationary) or linearized problems are solved with the linear static solver. It is activated for a specific case with the

analysis linear

of the case block.

The linearized pre-buckling solver is commonly used in stress analysis of slender or thin-walled structures, it allows for the direct solving of ‘buckling’ problems around an equilibrium position along the nonlinear path. The solver is invoked by the MDL command analysis=linearised_prebuckling, which must be specified in the case block.


When executing B2000++, warnings of the following kind

WARNING:solver.eigenvalue.arpack:12:36:35.234: Maximum number of iterations taken.
All possible eigenvalues (0) have been found.

are indicative that the value for the nmodes option should be increased.

Optional Solver MDL Parameters

nmodes VALUE

Number of buckling modes v to be computed (default: 1). It is often necessary to set this option to values of 10 or even 20 for the successful solution of the eigenvalue problem.

shift VALUE

The spectral frequency shift value. The computed buckling modes are the ones whose eigenvalues (load factors) are near this value. The default of 0 selects the nmodes lowest buckling modes.

Sparse Linear Equation Solvers

During the analysis of linear and nonlinear FE problems, systems of linear equations must be solved. In most cases, the matrices are sparse, and often, they are symmetric as well. The solution of these systems of linear equations constitutes an important part of the FE solving procedures and as such has a great influence on the robustness and effectiveness of any FE analysis.

B2000++ contains several sparse linear equation solvers. By default, the specific FE solvers (linear, nonlinear, static, dynamic) automatically select the proper sparse linear equation solver. This selection can be inactivated by forcing a specific sparse linear equation solver by means of the sparse_linear_solver option of the

Optional Solver MDL Parameters

The following commands may be specified in the case block.


Selects the type of sparse linear solver (string):


Selects the MUMPS direct multi-frontal solver with pivoting, for use with general symmetric matrices. This solver is the default solver. It is particularly robust and effective on matrices containing Lagrange multipliers (that is, whenever nonlinear constraints are present in the FE model). It has out-of-core support. The sequential version is available on all platforms, the parallel version is available on selected Linux distributions, such as RHEL. Fedora 21.

The parallel version is activated via the mpirun command. Example:

mpirun -np 8 b2000++ DBNAME

The following options are available:


Enables fixing of singular or nearly-singular degrees-of-freedom. Default is no. This option may be useful for example in conjunction with Lagrange multipliers, or shell elements with free 6th degrees-of-freedom.

The autospc option should be used with caution as it may significantly influence the solution in non-foreseeable ways, especially in free-vibration analysis and in linearized buckling analysis. For shell FE models, it is recommended to use artificial drill stiffness instead.

autospc_value VALUE

If autospc is enabled, use VALUE (float) to fix singular or nearly-singular degrees-of-freedom. A value of 0.0 indicates that the autospc value should be determined automatically. Default is 0.0.

autospc_threshold VALUE

If autospc is enabled, use VALUE (float) to determine singular or nearly-singular degrees-of-freedom. A value of 0.0 indicates that the autospc threshold will be chosen automatically. Default is 0.0.


If autospc is enabled, compute a maximum of n (int) first null space vectors (zero-energy modes) and store them on the database as DISP_NS datasets(not documented). Default is 0.

Use of this option requires sometimes to adjust autospc_threshold.

The following example is a single 2D quadrilateral element. No degrees-of-freedom are constrained, hence 3 zero-energy modes are present.

  1 0.0 0.0 0.0
  2 1.0 0.0 0.0
  3 1.0 1.0 0.0
  4 0.0 1.0 0.0

  type Q4.S.2D.TL mid 1 thickness 0.1
  1 1 2 3 4

material 1 type isotropic
  e 73.e3
  nu 0.3

case 1
  analysis                  linear
  sparse_linear_solver      dmumps
  autospc                   yes
  autospc_threshold         1.e-15
  compute_null_space_vector 3

  case 1


Enables the out-of-core solver.


When the out-of-core solver is active, d (string) ist the directory path name where the temporary files should be created. By default, the /tmp directory is used.


When the out-of-core solver is active, specifies d (string) as prefix for the temporary files.

mumps_icntl VALUE

Sets one or several values in the ICNTL (int) array, which is used to control the behavior of the MUMPS solver. The string VALUE consists of comma-separated key:value pairs, where key is the index into the ICNTL array, starting from 1, and value is an integer number.

The following example enforces the use of the SCOTCH library for pivoting by setting “ICNTL(7)=3”:

case 1
  analysis                  linear
  sparse_linear_solver      dmumps
  mumps_icntl               "7:3"

To also use iterative refinement with a fixed number of 3 iterations use:

mumps_icntl "7:3,10:-3"

Only in rare cases it is necessary to set ICNTL, the defaults that are set by B2000++ are usually satisfactory or are supported directly. While ICNTL allows to fine-tune the workings of MUMPS, not all options will work with B2000++, and the options 5 (matrix format) and 18 (matrix distribution) are forbidden, as they are determined by B2000++ itself. Refer to the MUMPS user’s guide, section 5.1, for an explanation of ICNTL.

mumps_cntl VALUE

Sets one or several values in the CNTL (floating-point) array, which is used to control the behavior of the MUMPS solver. The string VALUE consists of comma-separated key:value pairs, where key is the index into the CNTL array, starting from 1, and value is a floating-point number.

Only in rare cases it is required to set CNTL, the defaults that are set by b2000++ are usually satisfactory or are supported directly (e.g. autospc_threshold and autospc_value).

One setting that may be of particular interest is CNTL(3), which controls the threshold for identifying null pivots. Since MUMPS 5.4.0 the criterion for the default setting CNTL(3)=0 defines a threshold relative to the sup norm of the preprocessed matrix based on the machine precision and a factor dependent on the number of variables on the deepest elimination branch. When provided a positive value, this one is used instead of the machine precision and factor for the calculation and a negative value is used directly as an absolute threshold.

If the simulation aborts due to a null pivot it may help to set the threshold to a value smaller than machine precision. As it is possible to correctly represent 18 decimal digits in the 80 bit extended precision of x86 processors, we suggest to try mumps_cntl "3:1.e-18" as a starting point if the default threshold does not work.

Note: In older versions of MUMPS (before 5.4.0) the default value was a factor of 1.e-5 below machine precision. To emulate that behaviour set mumps_cntl "3:1.1e-21"

Refer to the MUMPS user’s guide, section 5.2, for an explanation of CNTL.


Direct multi-frontal solver without pivoting, for use with symmetric positive definite matrices, making use of the MUMPS library. It has out-of-core support. Since the matrices have to be symmetric positive definite, this solver cannot be used in FE analysis involving Lagrange multipliers. This solver is moderately faster than dmumps and supports the same set of options.


Sequential direct super-nodal left-looking sparse solver for symmetric problems. The matrices need not be positive definite, however, no zero elements on the diagonal must be present.


Parallel direct multi-frontal sparse solver for symmetric problems. The matrices need not be positive definite, however, no zero elements on the diagonal must be present.


Direct multi-frontal, out-of-core, sparse symmetric solver. This solver is similar to dmf, but can also be used for FE analyses where the problem’s memory footprint exceeds the available memory. The out-of-core data is stored in a temporary file and is mapped into memory using UNIX’s mmap mechanism.


Similar to dmf_ooc, but less efficient. Makes use of a regular file instead of a mmap’ed file. To be used on platforms where mmap is not reliable.


Parallel direct left-looking super-nodal solver with static pivoting, for use with positive-definite symmetric matrices, making use of the the PASTIX library.

In B2000++, the solver is executed with multi-threading enabled and MPI and out-of-core support disabled. This solver is available for Centos.

icg or igmres

Iterative conjugate-gradient (icg) and GMRES (igmres) solver for use with symmetric resp. non-symmetric problems, making use of the GMM++ library. Note that the successful use of iterative solvers largely depends on the type of problem and the preconditioner.

The following options are available:


Specifies the tolerance (default 1.0e-8) for the residuum. When the residuum becomes lower than this tolerance, the iterative solution process is considered converged.


Specifies maximum number of iterations. By default, an infinite amount of iterations is permitted.


Specifies the type of preconditioner to use. For the symmetric solver (icg) , the ildlt (default), ildltt, and diagonal preconditioners are available. For the unsymmetric solver (igmres), the ilu (default), ilut, ilutp, diagonal, and mr_approx_inverse preconditioners are available.


Specifies after how many iterations the preconditioner should be applied again. Default is 200.


Specifies the amount of information that GMM++ should print to the console. A value of 0 (default) means no information, a value of 1 will print the iterations, and a value of 2 will print iterations and sub-iterations.


Specifies whether an unsymmetric sparse linear solver should be used. If the problem is per se symmetric, default is no. This option is normally not necessary as B2000++ automatically detects whether the problem is unsymmetric and selects the appropriate sparse linear solver.

complex yes|no

Specifies whether a complex sparse linear solver should be used. For non-complex problems, default is no. This option is normally not necessary as B2000++ automatically detects whether the problem is complex and selects the appropriate sparse linear solver.

Linear and Nonlinear Constraint Control

Constraints originate from prescribed conditions such as ebc, linc, field_transfer or rigid-coupling (RBE elements) or distributed-coupling (FMDE) elements.

B2000++ supports different ways for imposing constraints on a FE problem. Constraints may be linear or nonlinear, and may be imposed by boundary conditions and by Finite Elements. For many problems, the default settings (reduction for linear constraints and Augmented Lagrange method or Lagrange method for nonlinear constraints) will suffice to effectively obtain a solution. In this chapter, the MDL commands for overriding these settings are described.

Optional Solver MDL Parameters

The following commands may be specified in the case block.


Selects the type of method used to impose linear constraints on the equations.


The system of linear equations is modified such that the constraints are eliminated. The constraints are satisfied ‘exactly’ (within numerical precision). This is the default method, and it is applicable to linear and nonlinear problems, but only for linear constraints.


A combination of Lagrange multipliers and penalties is used to enforce the constraints. The MDL command constraint_penalty specifies the penalty factor (default value 1, it is rarely necessary to change this value). The penalty factor is solely used to ensure the positive-definiteness of the matrix and does not impair the matrix’ condition number. The constraints are, due to the Lagrange multipliers, satisfied ‘exactly’ (within numerical precision).

Linear systems containing Lagrange multipliers are best solved using a pivoting solver. It is recommended to use sparse_linear_solver=dmumps, which is the default.


With the penalty method, the number of degrees-of-freedom remains unchanged. The constraints are imposed approximately, where the MDL command constraint_penalty specifies the penalty factor (default value is 1e10). A high penalty factor ensures a close approximation of the constraints but makes the matrix badly conditioned; while a low penalty factor may introduce artifacts in the solution of the FE analysis, especially for eigenmode problems.


To the system of linear equations, Lagrange multiplicators are added. The constraints are satisfied ‘exactly’ (within numerical precision).

Linear systems containing Lagrange multipliers are best solved using a pivoting solver. It is recommended to use sparse_linear_solver dmumps, which is the default.


Selects the type of method used to impose nonlinear (linearized) constraints on the equations.


A combination of Lagrange multipliers and penalties is used to enforce the constraints. The MDL adir command constraint_penalty specifies the penalty factor (default value 1, it is rarely necessary to change this value). The penalty factor is solely used to ensure the positive-definiteness of the matrix and does not impair the matrix’ condition number. The constraints are, due to the Lagrange multipliers, satisfied exactly.

Linear systems containing Lagrange multipliers are best solved using a pivoting solver. It is recommended to use sparse_linear_solver dmumps, which is the default.


With the penalty method, the number of degrees-of-freeom remains unchanged. The constraints are imposed approximately, where the MDL adir command constraint_penalty specifies the penalty factor (default value is 1e10). A high penalty factor ensures a close approximation of the constraints but makes the matrix badly conditioned; while a low penalty factor may introduce artefacts in the solution of the FE analysis, especially for eigenmode problems.


To the system of linear equations, Lagrange multiplicators are added. The constraints are satisfied exactly. Since for the static case, the matrix is no longer positive definite, an unsymmetric solver should be used.

Linear systems containing Lagrange multipliers are best solved using a pivoting solver. It is recommended to use sparse_linear_solver=dmumps, which is the default.

Flux-normalised Correction Termination Test

This is the default test to determine convergence of the Newton iterations. The flux can be considered a measure of the individual internal and external forces in the FE model. For each Newton iteration, the instantaneous flux is normalised by the average flux. The average flux is computed from the converged solutions of the previous steps and from the solution of the current Newton iteration.

For all fluxes, and for the Newton correction of the solution, the inf-norm (maximum) is used.

The flux normalization is performed per field, because each field may have a different unit and a different range of values. The finite elements present in the analysis model define what fields are active. The following fields are commonly used in elastic analysis and heat-transfer analysis:

Field name



The displacement degrees-of-freedom.


The rotational degrees-of-freedom in shell and beam elements and in rigid-coupling elements.


The degrees-of-freedom associated to Lagrange multipliers.


The degrees-of-freedom in heat-transfer elements.

The following case parameters are active for all fields:

max_newton_iterations VALUE

Specifies the maximum number of Newton iterations VALUE (int) per increment. Default is 50.

max_divergences VALUE

Defines the maximum number of consecutive divergences VALUE (int) during the correction phase of a load step. Default is 4. When this number is reached, the correction phase is terminated unsuccessfully, and the step increment is re-started with a reduced step size.

min_newton_iterations_check_divergence VALUE

Checks divergence only after VALUE (int) Newton iterations. Default is 4.

The following options can be specified either for all fields or per field. In the second case, the field name must be appended to the relevant case parameter. Example:

case 1
  ebc                         1
  analysis=                   nonlinear
  tol_residuum=               1.e-3 # for all fields
  tol_residuum.rotation=      1.e-5 # only for the rotation field

tol_residuum v

Threshold for convergence: The maximum flux divided by the average flux must be smaller than VALUE. Default is 1e-5.

tol_solution v

Threshold for convergence: The maximum of the Newton correction, divided by the maximum of the current step increment must be smaller than VALUE. Default is 1e-5.

tol_residuum_linear_problem v

Threshold for linear convergence: If the maximum flux divided by the average flux is smaller than VALUE, linear convergence is assumed, without consideration of tol_solution. Default is 1e-8.

nb_iter_nonquadratic_convergence v

Number of Newton iterations that will be executed until the convergence history will be examined to determine whether quadratic convergence has been obtained. Default is 9 iterations.

tol_residuum_nonquadratic_convergence v

If convergence is not quadratic, after nb_iter_nonquadratic_convergence Newton iterations, tol_residuum is replaced by VALUE. Default is 2e-2.

average_flux v

Use VALUE to normalise the flux, instead of the averaged flux which is computed from the analysis.

initial_average_flux v

Use VALUE as start value to compute the averaged flux. Default is 0.01.

zero_flux_criterion v

If the magnitude of the instantaneous flux divided by the averaged flux is smaller then VALUE, the flux will be considered zero, and tol_solution_zero_flux will be used instead of tol_solution. Default is 1e-5.

tol_solution_zero_flux v

Replaces tol_solution for fields having zero flux. Default is 1e-5.

zero_flux_relative_criterion v

For the computation of the normalised flux, discard regions in the model where the flux is below VALUE. Default 1e-5.